Big Apple astrologers: New Yankee Stadium aligned for greatness

So what to make of the Yankees moving across the street next season, leaving their hallowed grounds for new digs? If you believe local astrologers, there’s no need to worry: the stars are aligned for many more years of success.

“The new stadium can only be good,” says Brooklyn-based astrologer Deb McBride. “The day it opens, April 16, 2009, the moon will be crossing over the Yankees’ Jupiter, which is a kiss of good fortune.”

If talk of the moon crossing Jupiter makes your head spin, don’t fret. The bottom line is this: The new Yankee Stadium – certainly now that David Ortiz’s jersey is no longer buried in its bowels – will open on a strong note. So do Yankee fans! But rest assured, those fans have a lot to look forward to. Our pinstripe prognosticators say the leap across 161st Street won’t be too daunting for the Stadium’s mystique and aura.

“I don’t believe (the Yankees’) fortunes will change dramatically,” McBride says. “It’s time for ‘out with the old and in with the new,’ as they have outgrown their old home. The Yankees original chart has more to do with their success than the chart of their stadium, although their stadium did bring in much attention. But ultimately, it’s the Yankee radiance and star-crossed history that will always bring them great good fortune.”

Brooklyn astrologer Deb McBride charts the origins of Yankee success:

THE BABE’S ARRIVAL: “An interesting note, the fate of the Yankees took a turn for the better when the planet Uranus crossed over this charismatic Mars in the Yankee chart back in 1920. This was when they hired Babe Ruth, who played his first season in 1920. Ruth was an Aquarius, a sign that is ruled by the planet Uranus. When an Aquarian enters the picture, the situation usually gets turned upside down, and indeed it did, because the Yankees successes really started upon Ruth’s arrival.”

HOLLYWOOD & OPENING DAY: “On Opening Day at Yankee Stadium on April 18, 1923, the moon aligned with Algol, also a royal star associated with the ruthless pursuit of winning at any and all costs. Neptune is in an influential place in the sign of Leo, associated with glamour, the magical, glory years. Neptune also has a good connection to Jupiter, therefore enhancing the quality of glamour. Indeed, the Yankees have found themselves associated with Hollywood on a number of occasions, whether it was Babe Ruth appearing in a film, a film made about the Yankees, Joe DiMaggio marrying the most famous Hollywood actress of all time, or the Yankees being the subject of a Seinfeld story line.”

THE INTERLOCKING N.Y.: “There is also a strong connection with the city of New York in that the relationship planets Venus and Mars in the astrological chart of NYC are directly opposite the planet Pluto in the Yankee chart. This can indicate obsessive love, as Pluto overpowers any love planet it touches! Pluto also is a bringer of transformation and rebirth. Currently, the Pluto in the Yankee chart is being strongly aspected by Pluto’s placement in the sky. This is a great indication of a rebuilding and a rebirth – that of the new stadium. Another thing about the Pluto of the Yankee chart, it is aligned with the constellation Orion, which is the Hunter or the Athlete.