Deb at Avebury, Wilshire, UK on a fine Beltane afternoon.

Deb at Avebury, Wilshire, UK on a fine Beltane afternoon.

Wow has this been one wild week!! Last Sunday, October 7th the Sun transiting through Libra revved up to make a square on Monday the 8th with Saturn in Capricorn. This is a challenging aspect where the Sun - our life force - met with a wall of resistance represented by Saturn. I watched people experience their painful fears, anxieties and verbal attacks from others. And people who said enough is enough and they are done with a certain situation in their lives. This happens twice per year, every year in different signs depending upon where Saturn is traveling in the Zodiac. Since Saturn is in its own sign of Capricorn, it was in the power position of this relationship. The Sun in its normal visit to Libra this time of year is not exactly in a position of power, as it is in its sign of fall - because the Sun is exalted in the opposite sign of Aries. This happened to be a more dramatic turn of events because the Sun was navigating a rocky path of the square to Saturn, followed up by a square to Pluto, also in Capricorn, which happens Monday October 14th. 

At first this felt like we were at a standstill, a blockage, an impasse, a situation where we saw no way out and are stuck in the mud with our baggage. People were struggling, not happy and not in good moods. But then I saw & felt the energy morph into something more open with solutions and ideas and ways out of the mud. The energy is now shifting from Saturn to Pluto, stronger, empowering and making us able to transcend the wall of resistance and burn through our fears. When The Sun reaches the square to Pluto, we get to see, feel and use our mastery of the situation in all its strength. We will have a better idea as to what Saturn & Pluto expect of us.

This is the essence of what we will be experiencing from now into January. This is where we truly emerge from powerlessness into being empowered. This is what I have been going on about all year. It’s not so simple, but if we remain highly conscious of our Saturn issues, such as worries or what we are so afraid will or won’t happen, we can get ourselves on the other side of it and step into our strength, our power. Somewhere in our lives, Saturn, the old devil, is playing the role of the person or situation who is attempting to take power from us. It will try to present reasons why we should succumb, that we’ll never get what we want or need anyway. We can’t indulge this voice, it’s really our own subconscious patterns talking that we must blaze through and clear away. 

For some added fun, there is a Full Moon on Sunday the 13th. It’s the Sun in Libra with the Moon opposing in Aries, but this takes place at 20° of each sign which means that each of these lights makes a square to Pluto, still at 20° Capricorn where it stationed direct on October 3rd. This is what’s known as a T-square, where two planets oppose each other and another planet is in the middle. This time, the planet happens to be Pluto, planet of transformation, renaissance, empowerment and the underworld. 

A t-square is like a square table missing a leg, in this case where the missing leg should be is in the sign of Cancer. So wherever we have the sign of the crab in our charts, we can expect the energy to spill out there because all that tension needs a place to go. If you have planets around 20° of Cancer - especially if you’re born around July 10th, 11th or 12th when the Sun is at that point - you will feel this more directly. I expect that the Full Moon will bring some answers, ideas, solutions, transitions and reveals to our current situations. Thankfully, Jupiter will be involved as well, as the Moon in Aries will make a lovely trine to Jupiter in Sagittarius. It’s the opportunity to find an open path through the intensity that Pluto can produce. Jupiter helps us see the larger view of the situation & encourages to have faith in ourselves and our own resilience.

With Pluto’s involvement, this is not an ordinary Full Moon. There will be some element of change and evolution, nothing stays the same once Pluto gets involved. You may already be aware of these changes and what needs to be done and this lunation will give you some forward motion. Most importantly, we need to stay in our power and not allow any person or situation to own us. 

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