Today we’re having a Solar Eclipse at 19° Pisces. This eclipse is a rather powerful one in that it is close to the Nodes of the Moon. The eclipse happens at the South Node which is our history and all things we leave behind to move forward in the direction of the North Node. So, the aspect today asks us to close some doors on old events, old relationships. It also helps us clear the path for new connections and positive new experiences. The new experiences come from Jupiter in Virgo on the North Node, which is the new direction in which we are headed. While we do our spring cleaning as the new season approaches, we create room for something new to grow, to be optimistic about the future and all new associations. This is indeed a New Moon opposite Jupiter, so it invites new adventures. But since the South Node plays a great part in this lunation, we must be prepared to release some old emotional stuff for which we have no further use.

Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac. It is where we go to rest, sleep, dream, convalesce. It’s the place of recharging the battery, it is the place of letting go and trusting the Universe. So, set your intention, light a candle, cleanse your space with sage. And when you set your intention, then be able to let it go – don’t focus and obsess about it. Keep it in your heart and know that it is now in your life. Move forward with confidence!

Happy Solar Eclipse!

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