Finally! My first gardenia bloomed after 2 years of struggling and combatting the leaf ants. I won!!

Finally! My first gardenia bloomed after 2 years of struggling and combatting the leaf ants. I won!!

Back in January, the world was a different place. But the rumblings of the end of an era were there as Saturn & Pluto met for the first time since the early 1980’s. Although they were only meeting that one time in this entire year, they indicated the sea of change which has been represented by the pandemic. It was not possible to see in January what exactly was to become of this year. These planets did not join again, but remained neighbors and included Jupiter in their neighborhood, all in the sign of Capricorn, which has increased the levels of intensity in the collective. Too much energy in one place in the zodiac, some huge change was bound to happen. Now as we approach the final months of this year, these planets are getting ready to move away from each other, thus ending a cycle that we will not see again in our lifetimes. 

In September we saw Jupiter move forward from retrograde motion on the 12th and on the 29th we saw Saturn move forward. This is the beginning of a major emotional, psychological shift for each of us. Jupiter, planet of beliefs, faith and abundance is on its way out of the above mentioned Capricorn neighborhood. Saturn, ruler of Capricorn, planet of duty, responsibility, hard work and where we need to face our fears is also starting to move out of the Capricorn neighborhood. In December of this year, both planets will enter the sign of Aquarius, the lover of freedom, independence, sign of innovation, genius and revolution. The place where something new can happen - new ideas, new plans, a new day forward. 

Pluto, planet of transformation, empowerment and the underworld will also move forward from retrograde on October 4th, but will continue to stay in Capricorn for a number of years. This is a lot of energy shifting forward within one month’s time. Eventually and inevitably, we will be moving ahead into a fresh dynamic, a new paradigm and can finally leave this year behind. 

From now until December, we will feel the energy of movement out of the old era and into the new era as a transition occurs. We will start assembling the pieces of what is to come. The most important things to pay attention to now are your intuition and the synchronicities that happen - take nothing for granted - everything has meaning in it as you are being shown a new path and in some cases, a new life. 

The real shift will come in December when Jupiter & Saturn enter Aquarius and make The Great Conjunction - the two planets joining each other on December 21st for the 1st time in 20 years.  As we draw closer to that date, there is a signature feeling that these two planets effect in each of us. On the one hand, Jupiter asks us to have faith, trust that what we are feeling is true, that our intuition, our hearts, our inner knowing has the correct answer. On the other hand and simultaneously, Saturn will be giving us reason that none of that is true and we shouldn’t have faith in it at all. Mental energy and practical analysis will keep getting in the way of our faith, but the underlying blockage is really fear. We will feel these energies taking turns within ourselves, first we’ll have a deep knowing about something in our lives, then shortly after we may discredit this knowledge. Then back again to faith, then no faith. We won’t know anything for certain until we get to the end of this year and then enter 2021. 

Jupiter & Saturn are almost opposites of one another, one saying yes to life, the other saying no or even just not believing something good can come out of this. But what Saturn is really doing is forcing us to work harder at our inner knowing, to go further inward, undo our deepest fears, tune in more and have a greater faith in life. However, each of us will have to walk that fine line of inner knowing and believing and then conquering our doubt and fear. 

Ultimately, I believe the Universe knows what it is doing. I have learned that more in the last several years than ever before in my life. So for now, watch the signs as they appear in your life, allow yourself to go deeper, get stronger and transform your fear and doubt into faith and inner knowing. This will be profoundly empowering.

You can see Jupiter & Saturn on a clear night. Jupiter is easy to find as it is the brightest star in the night sky and Saturn will be a fainter star diagonally above it.    

(P.S. Check out the Sacred Geometry spiral in the center of the gardenia, Venus is saying hello!)

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