
One of the most important, powerful and intense weeks of the year is upon us. What? More intensity? How can this be possible after the year we have had? Frankly, we’re all tired and want a rest. But a major shift is here and we are about to change gears from the plodding, earthbound energy of Capricorn to the intellectual, movement oriented air energy of Aquarius.

It’s been a long, exhausting year and we still have a few more weeks until 2021 arrives. The Universe isn’t backing off. On Monday December 14th, we will have the last eclipse of the year (there have been 7 eclipses since December 26, 2019) and of the season. It is a Total Solar Eclipse at 23° Sagittarius, which is a coming together of the Sun and the Moon in one place in the heavens. Eclipses always bring emotions to the table and this one is no exception. So if you feel particularly emotional, don't be surprised. The Sun will be eclipsed or covered over by the Moon and for a moment we may lose sight of our light and what it represents to us. Especially in Sagittarius, we may have a moment of loss of faith, loss of exuberance, of joy. But then just as quickly as it left, it returns. Since it is an eclipse at the South Node, it gives us the opportunity to shed anything we feel unnecessary in the Sagittarius area of our charts. It encourages us to move on from this blasted year and dive into the next chapter. 

That next chapter will occur within days of the eclipse.

Wait a minute - emotions coming up in our face and then more transformation? In the same week?? Can we stay in bed and get up when it’s over? 

Yes, you can! As I have been speaking about all year, there have been three planets sitting in the sign of Capricorn - Pluto, Jupiter and Saturn. 2020 has been brought to you by these three planets sticking close together throughout the year. Since Pluto is the slowest moving of all three, it will remain in Capricorn, while Jupiter and Saturn move into Aquarius this week. On Thursday December 17th, Saturn will leave the sign of Capricorn and not return for 30 years. It will enter the sign of Aquarius and two days later on December 19th, Jupiter will follow along and leave Capricorn for 12 years and enter the sign of Aquarius. These two planets need to pass through the end of Capricorn, which means for each of us they will stir up the energy of endings, of letting go of something and turning our attention to newness. Don’t be surprised if you feel some resistance, irritability, instability and anxiousness. This is part of the journey and it is perfectly normal. It may be something completely intangible to you, with no obvious reason why you feel this way. Chalk it up to the ending of a 30 year cycle of Saturn, with Jupiter adding extra flavor. 

And yet, there’s more! On Monday, December 21st, Jupiter and Saturn will join in each other at the exact same point in the zodiac at 0° Aquarius. This is the first time in 20 years that these two planets have joined. And it is the first time they have made this conjunction in Aquarius since the year 1226. This is a powerful turn of events, especially after the year we have had. We will be open to innovation, fresh ideas, connections with others and new connections with our selves, lightening bolt intuition and engaging in activity that serves the community. Jupiter and Saturn will stay close together throughout January and February of 2021, so we will benefit for a while. Aquarius is a futuristic sign that also represents the field of all possibilities. Anything can and will happen under these two planets joining forces, as it is the beginning of a new era. Importantly, the air should clear and feel different once they arrive in Aquarius.

These planets are social planets, but somewhat opposites of one another. Where Jupiter is expansive, optimistic and sometimes overindulgent, Saturn contracts, can be pessimistic and is always cautious. Jupiter dreams big, while Saturn is very realistic. You may feel like the energy of these planets take turns as they move together. We have to find the right cosmic blend for ourselves as we go through these next few months. 

In the meantime, we have a transformative week ahead. It's exhausting and the thought of gearing up for something new isn't necessarily appealing. So everyone should do what they need to do to get through it until we get to the other side of the week. And if you need to get into your bed or on your couch with a blanket and stay there, then do it! With so many of us working from home, we can just curl up with a laptop and a cup of cocoa. In this case, I don’t think Saturn will mind. 

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