The Strength card from left to right: The Wild Unknown Tarot, The Housewives’ Tarot, The Medieval Scapini Tarot

The Strength card from left to right: The Wild Unknown Tarot, The Housewives’ Tarot, The Medieval Scapini Tarot

On March 21st, 2020 Saturn will leave Capricorn where it has been since December 2017. Saturn is now entering Aquarius for the first time since February 7, 1991-January 29, 1994. 

What does it mean when Saturn is in Aquarius? In astrology, we call this placement “dignified.” Saturn was the traditional ruler of Aquarius before Uranus was discovered and is considered co-ruler, so it is well placed there. Saturn’s focus, thoughtful intent and steadiness can support advancements in science and technology which is the territory of Aquarius. Group consciousness is also the realm of altruistic Aquarius. We can expect that Saturn’s seriousness combined with Aquarius’s commitment to a cause will give rise to communities whose intent is to raise awareness about social concerns. We are also seeing more scientists, especially neuroscientists, work in the field of consciousness and perhaps their works will reach a wider audience. 

But there is more to consider as Saturn leaves its home sign of Capricorn. As I have talked about ad infinitum since last year, especially on my podcast, Saturn joined Pluto on January 12th. Since Saturn is the faster moving planet, it has passed Pluto in Capricorn and entered territory where Pluto has not ventured yet. This is the end of the journey in Capricorn and Saturn is now paving the way for Pluto to move over this area of the zodiac in the next four years. Pluto will make an initial step into Aquarius in early 2024. 

Saturn is the boundary before we enter the realm of the outer planets, of which Pluto is one. The outer planets represent the tides of the collective unconscious, we look to these planets to tell the greater story of the world and what will be rising up as a whole.   When outer planets such as Pluto change sign, we as a collective feel these stirrings and react to them. It usually surfaces as some sort of global chaos because in the deepest, darkest corners of our minds we know something is ending. It usually indicates the end of some era as a collective and in our personal lives. Pluto last changed signs in 2008 - we saw global chaos in the the financial markets, the Ponzi schemes and the like. This chaos we see around us is known as death anxiety. Each of us has it to some degree. And that is what we are seeing right now in the world at large as chaos ensues due to a pandemic. 

This global chaos is the collective fear of the enormous change represented by Saturn’s and then ultimately Pluto’s move into Aquarius. Already we are feeling the endings that Pluto is ushering into the collective. Pluto will reach 24° of Capricorn and then make its retrograde to 22°. It is in the last degrees of Capricorn and the transformation and renaissance that we are each experiencing in the Capricorn area of our charts is coming to its final period. We know we need to finish out this journey of owning our mastery and on a very deep, unconscious level we are being confronted with the unknown - questions about exactly what we want to achieve in our lifetime, where our talents lie and what will happen next in our lives. 

Aquarius is often found in our social activities - groups, communities, clubs and organizations. Saturn is often a limitation or a boundary. What I find curious in all this is how we are already experiencing Saturn in that people are practicing “social distancing” to curb the spread of infection. But on another level, people are being brought back to their families, their neighborhoods and spending time with one another socially in a way that refreshes the core relationships in their lives. 

Saturn steps back into Capricorn on July 2, 2020 until December 17, 2020, when it will then move into Aquarius again until March of 2023. In this last journey through Capricorn, I expect that there will be more upheaval due to Saturn’s impending final departure. During this time the world will see the Presidential election in the USA. Back in 2016 and 2018, there was much division in the US due to opposing political opinions. This is certainly a matter that could feed into the anxiety of endings.  

Sometimes when such enormous changes are on the horizon, the best way to handle them is by just getting quiet. And this enforced global quietude may be necessary right now as each us has something to ponder, to reflect upon, to connect to within ourselves. In this way, we assuage our own death anxiety and strengthen our sense of self. It’s all preparing us to move forward into a new life, which is coming very soon. So, it’s good to get quiet and just be. 

If you have any questions about your own chart or the upcoming cycles, please feel free to schedule an appointment with me, all appointments are done remotely via Zoom:

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