Sunset in Escazú, Costa Rica. Photo by Deb

Sunset in Escazú, Costa Rica. Photo by Deb

Hello my astrodarlings!

Well, we are not short of fascinating and exciting astrology this year and 2020 is only half over, there is much more to come and it’s starting now.

Mars, the planet of assertiveness, aggression, war, passion, sex, courage and confidence will be taking action - as it usually does - to connect with the three planets in Capricorn - Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn. Since Mars is the faster moving planet it will be the one coming in to make the aspect. Mars has been in its own sign of Aries since June 27th and will remain there for the rest of the year into January. Mars in its own sign is powerful, independent and indicates the will of the individual. It will come up against each of the planets in Capricorn, one by one in August in a challenging aspect known as a square. Then on September 9th, Mars will turn retrograde at 28 Aries and head back to engage with each planet again in the same hot manner. Mars will remain in the vicinity of squaring each of these planets for August, September and October. In November we will get a break, but then Mars will move forward in Aries on November 13th and give us a bit of a breather that month. Until December when it moves back in to challenge Pluto on December 23rd. That is also an exciting week astrologically for a variety of other reasons. 

Firstly on Tuesday August 4th, Mars will square Jupiter. It is an exciting and optimistic aspect as the willfulness and courage of Mars will meet with the planet of expansion and abundance. This is a time to push forward with projects and take action on anything positive you have been considering. Try to not put off anything you would like to grow right now, it’s really a good time to take a leap. Jupiter also is the planet of faith and jumping into the arms of the Universe. Allow yourself to move forward in a way you may not have on the past. Since Mars is already slowing down its speed, the effect it has lasts more deeply as it works with Jupiter. The challenge with this aspect is to not overdo it - don’t spend all your energy in one place, don’t explode with ego or be overconfident. That won’t get you very far, because close behind this aspect is Mars squaring Pluto on August 13th. Which can be powerfully transformative if we allow it to be, however the group of planets in Capricorn do indicate that there are authorities that may become challenges. Naturally there are the collective authorities - government, health ministries and anyone else who's making rules that affect large numbers of people. Then there are personal authorities, of course, each of us knows who or what that is in our own lives. The idea behind Mars squaring Pluto is that we are each responsible for our own empowerment, balancing the rules imposed upon us with our own individual needs. 

I don't expect the world at large to take all of this smoothly. Mars and Pluto are traditionally complicated - sometimes warlike, combative, pushy. I expect there will be more resistance to restrictions that authority figures have been imposing. People are tired of being told what they can or cannot do. Each of us needs to be aware of what can be accomplished during this time, but also know which battles to choose. Don't back off just because something positive and life-affirming and especially life changing seems unreachable. If it requires your transformation, then by all means invest your energy. But also - don’t just pick up a club and start whacking at anything or anyone that gets in your way. Please remember that all of our obstacles come from within and we need to continue to look inside to clear out any place where we are in our own way. What have you been hiding long enough, where have you felt stuck or disempowered? If there is a collective battle you are fighting, look for the personal reasons that are at the root of the matter. Maybe there's an action you can take that asserts your individuality and connects you with your power simultaneously. 

Then there is Saturn. Mars will square Saturn on the 24th of August. This is where we may really feel a wall in our way that we have to navigate. There may be a bit of frustration as we feel resistance to our plans. Saturn really seeks to clamp down on anyone who wants to assert their individuality and go against the accepted norm. Again, I don’t expect everything to be an easy journey, there are going to be conflicts to iron out. 

The month of August is only the beginning, as Mars will remain in conversation with these planets for months. There is a story here, with several chapters that will unfold through the rest of 2020 and into 2021. Where does it affect your astrological chart? Where are you ready to become more brave and step forward? Where do you feel it’s time to create something of your own, that’s unique and individual? 

Keeping this in mind, I decided to host a live webinar about the Mars Effect 2020. There is a lot to discuss! First I will describe the month of August in more depth, then the experience of the retrograde on September 9th. Then I will explain the months for the rest of the year and how Mars aspects and plays into the Capricorn planets and other relationships until we get into 2021 when Mars changes signs in January and makes the final aspects to Jupiter and Saturn. 

Here’s the info: 

The Mars Effect Webinar  $20

Monday August 10th 6 pm EDT, 5 pm CDT, 4 pm MDT & 3 pm PDT

90 minutes + Q&A + anyone attending will receive the recording file via WeTransfer

You can register here and will be sent a Zoom link before the day of the webinar:

Don’t worry if you can’t make the time! You can register and will be sent the recordings after the completion of the webinar.